Back Row: Kerry Breitrick, Joe Miller, Shannon Thiex, Betsy Rosenow
Front Row : Jill Duranceau, Tess Serrano, Raquel Treptow
OVERSEEING... the School District of Bowler are seven school board members. All school board members are elected. The board appoints a superintendent, who serves as the chief administrative officer of Bowler School. The Bowler School Board elects its president annually. Elected in spring 2022, is current board president Shannon Thiex. Board meetings are held once a month.
The Board of Trustees of the School District of Bowler has final authority over local school matters, within the laws enacted by the state of Wisconsin and the policies established by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. In developing policy, it is the local Board's responsibility to follow state guidelines as the Board implements the wishes of the local community. While it is the Board's responsibility to establish policies, it is the responsibility of the District Administrator and staff to administer those policies. The board relies heavily on the District Administrator and staff for advice and information. The District Administrator is not a member of the Board but is the full-time executive officer appointed to implement School Board policies.
Questions & Concerns
You are encouraged to take questions and concerns to the building principals first. If the matter remains unresolved, the next step is to call the office of the District Administrator. If the matter is still unresolved, you may contact a Board member in writing or by phone.
The School District of Bowler's School Board meets in regular session on the third Monday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. All regular Board meetings are open to the public and all meetings are held in the High School , (use the High School entrance). Closed sessions are not open to the public and are held only to discuss items specified by statute - i.e. negotiations and personnel issues. No action is taken in closed meetings. In accordance with the law, all official School Board action is taken at public meetings. The Attorney General advises that a governmental body vote in open session unless the vote is clearly an integral part of deliberations authorized to be conducted in closed session under Wis. Stat.ยง 19.85(1). Stated another way, a governmental body should vote in open session unless doing so would compromise the need for the closed session. (Accord, Epping, 218 Wis. 2d at 524 n.4). Notices of all meetings are posted on the High School front door.
Copies of the agenda are posted at the entrance of the High School and on this website before every meeting. If you wish to make brief remarks to the Board, you may do so under the agenda item "Public Recognition." If you wish to make a more formal comment to the Board, you may request to be placed on the agenda of a meeting by contacting the School Administrator's office at least one week prior to the meeting.