
Good Thursday Morning 

Bowler Elementary

Today’s Fact: Thank Your Teacher Today! They Work A Lot!

If they aren’t in the classroom teaching, inspiring, guiding, or developing skills for your children, they’re planning new units, grading tests, organizing field trips, or talking with parents. 

Happy Birthday Today: Mason Tousey

Lunch Menu: Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Sweet Potato Fries, Corn, Grapes, Salad Bar, and Cold Milk          

Trivia Question Wednesday:

In which country did the concept of kindergarten, as an educational institution for young children, originate?  Turn your answers into the basket on the office counter before Friday morning.

Reminder - Remember to sign up for the Variety Show by ASAP

Great job 3rd Grade on your Wax Museum 

Our ABC Countdown for Today is I -Ice Cream Day: Ice-Cream Treat today.

Tomorrow is J - Joke Day:  Bring a joke to tell the class today.

Turn in Summer School slips into the elementary office

Reminder: No Food or drinks on the playground!!!

No Clubs After-School Today!!!

Pledge of Allegiance  

Have a Great Bowler Day!!