Title I

Bowler School District has a Title I schoolwide program. This encompasses K-12th grade, which means that Bowler School has programs that are specifically designed to generate high levels of academic achievement for all students, especially those most in need of additional support.

How does Bowler School District qualify to have a schoolwide Title I program?

A Wisconsin Title I school is eligible to implement a schoolwide program if the poverty level, (determined by free and reduced meal counts, Wisconsin Works (W-2), census, or Medicaid) is at or above 40%. Schools not meeting this requirement need a waiver from the DPI in order to implement a schoolwide program.

For additional information see the DPI website on Title I - https://dpi.wi.gov/title-i/schoolwide-program

If you would like to be contacted to participate on the Title I stakeholder team, which completes regular evaluations of the current Title I program and assists with updating the plan as necessary, please contact Ms. Dove.

Dove, Brandi

Dove, Brandi

Hesse, Merlene

Hesse, Merlene

Elementary Math Interventionist/Instructional Tutor

Title I Plans

Dyslexia Information and Support

Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities. These difficulties typically result from a deficit in the phonological component of language that is often unexpected in relation to other cognitive abilities and the provision of effective classroom instruction. Secondary consequences may include problems in reading comprehension and reduced reading experience that can impede growth of vocabulary and background knowledge.

To help support families and educators, the WI Department of Public Instruction has adopted a dyslexia guidebook to provide information about the characteristics of dyslexia and other related conditions.

These guidelines will ensure that educators use best practice instruction, to include possible intervention programs/strategies.  It also ensures that families know what information to request to better understand their child's strengths and needs, as well as how to address the topic and any common language or terms families may hear during discussions. 

To access the guidebook, please visit the link below.

Dyslexia Guidebook