Info for Families

The Panthers Weekend Backpack Food Program provides a weekend supply of nutritious food for children when school lunch and breakfast is unavailable on a weekend or school holidays. Each food bag contains two breakfasts, two lunches, two snacks, one can of vegetables, one can of fruit, and additional items (milk, fruit, etc.). All food is provided to children free of charge. It is our hope that these resources will support the health, behavior, and achievement of every student who participates.


Though the program is intended to help those children whose families find it difficult to have enough food for the entire month, all children are eligible for this program. Information to sign up for the program will be sent home with kids in the coming weeks.


The program is run completely by wonderful volunteers who help pack the food bags and distribute them to students. This program is initially funded through the No Kid Hungry grant, however we will accept donations and continue to create partnerships with local organizations to ensure the sustainability of this program.


Be on the look for more information about becoming part of Panthers Weekend Backpack Food Program soon. We look forward to working with staff, teachers, and you for your children!


Please note contact information has changed.


For more information or questions, please contact:

Ms. Natalie Minshell at 715-793-4101 Ext. 6306 or natalieminshell@bowler.k12.wi.us